If you’re looking for a way to expand your reach and find new customers, it’s time to seriously consider a website for your small business. These days, 36% of small business buyers discover new businesses through online research, so there’s simply no good reason not to be online. However, almost half of small enterprises do not do this yet.


According to research, most of those who don’t have a website say it’s because a website is simply not relevant to their business or is too expensive for them.

Regarding expenses – of course, it’s true that most small businesses have limited budgets, so it’s hard to justify adding monthly expenses. However, there are very affordable ways to get online today, especially when you consider the potential return on investment.

If what’s holding you back from building a website for your business is the thought that it’s not relevant to you, we say: websites are for everyone!

Of course, it’s easiest to imagine what you’ll post on a restaurant or retail store website, but that doesn’t mean that other types of businesses can’t also benefit from an online presence.

To illustrate this point, we’ve put together a few types of businesses that people think don’t always need a website, and why we think they do:

  • Dentists
  • Home craftsmen
  • Landscape designers
  • Accountants
  • Service station and tire fitting
  • Майстри Hand Made
  • Dry cleaners

Dentistry website

A potential patient may hear about you from a loved one or see an ad on a billboard, but they’ll likely want to learn more about your practice before making an appointment. A welcoming website with your story, office and staff photos, and patient testimonials can be critical and give you an edge over the competition.

Master’s site

Although review sites and service listings are a great way for home service providers to get discovered, such listings should still lead the customer to a site where they can learn more about the person offering the service. When a customer is thinking about inviting someone to their home, they will feel much more comfortable if that person has a professional, informative website.

Site of landscape designer

When you spend most of your day outdoors, the internet is probably the furthest thing from your mind. But the types of ads landscapers commonly use — from car magnets to lawn signs — work best when they direct the viewer to a website where they can learn more. A good landscaping website should include services, pricing, and high-quality images of the beautiful results customers have received from the company.

Accountant’s website

Many independent accounting professionals get their start by working with family and friends. And while the taxes and other financial needs of your immediate network can support your business initially, you’ll need a way for others to find you if you want your business to grow in the future. Having a simple and informative accountant website is a great way to help new clients get to know you.

Service station or tire fitting site

If you run a garage, a website can be your best friend. Why? Because your customers may think your services are more expensive or more complicated than they really are. A website that offers clear pricing, detailed service information, and customer reviews is an easy way to earn their trust and loyalty. Whatever services your service station did not specialize in, the site gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your work with colorful illustrations.

Site of the Hand Made master

For people who draw, paint, work with clay, or otherwise create art in the physical world, a website doesn’t always seem logical. However, posting photos of your work online is a great way to show what you can do to people you meet, or even sell a few pieces. Always carry a simple business card with your website URL. You never know when someone will want to see what you have to offer or order a product.

Dry cleaning site

For decades, dry cleaners have relied on foot traffic to do business. But now it is very important that your business also appears in search engine results in order to compete.

Отже, якщо ви ведете один із цих видів бізнесу, у вас є унікальна можливість. Якщо ви завжди думали, що веб-сайт не має відношення до вашого бізнесу, швидше за все, ваші конкуренти також. Дайте собі перевагу, раніше підключившись до мережі. Наше дослідження показує, що більше третини покупців з малого бізнесу просто навряд чи будуть робити покупки в компанії, яка не має веб-сайту. У міру того як ваші потенційні покупці все частіше звертаються до Інтернету, щоб приймати рішення про покупку, стає все більш важливим, щоб вони могли знайти вас там.


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